Villegas 698 (esquina Cnel. Perez)  - San Martín de los Andes

LahuenCo Hotsprings*

This excursion travels one of the most untouched roads of the Lanín National Park: 80 km. of forests, lakes (Lolog, Curruhue Chico, Curruhue Grande, Carilafquen, Epulafquen, Laguna Verde, Laguna del Toro), rivers of lava and hot spring wells, where the visitor will be constantly amazed at so many varied attractions.

Hiking across a spectacular monkey puzzle forest, a vantage point over Lake Curruhue Grande is reached. The shores of the Verde, del Toro, and del Escorial Lagoons are the silent witnesses of the great volcanic activity dating from centuries ago.

5 km from the border with Chile, amidst a leafy forest of coihues, raulies and caña colihue, the Epulafquen or Lahuenco hot springs are located. They have excellent healing properties. Visitors can take a walk amidst its main wells and also have a bath.

*At the moment this tour is suspended because of closed area (footbridges and hotsprngs) by Lanin National Park  

Details of the excursion

Departure: 09:00 - Return: 19:30

January to March

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